Keynote Talk: ACM IMX SensoryX Workshop

Keynote Talk: ACM IMX SensoryX Workshop
I will be giving a keynote talk at the ACM IMX SensoryX Workshop
Title: On Inclusion and Multisensory Interaction: Insights From Co-designing With/For People With Mixed Visual Abilities
Abstract: Multisensory interaction offers great potential for promoting accessibility and developing assistive technologies for people with disabilities. But the design of assistive technologies often focuses on addressing functional accessibility needs of a particular group of people, which can work against objectives of inclusion. I this talk, I will share ways to characterise barriers to inclusive design in domains of work and education and outline our experience of using co-design methods to engage people with and without visual impairments in the joint productions of inclusive multisensory technologies. I reflect on how sensory experiences, such as smell and touch, can become inclusive design materials for developing common design language and artefacts for people with and without a disability, and how this points to a need to demarcate inclusive multisensory technologies from traditional conceptions of accessible and assistive technologies in design, development and evaluation.
Workshop details: